Time to brag about my Spring Break! I think I'll do it in a "Currently" format:
Spring Break 2012!
Currently I am...
Listening to my busy family bustling about on a typical Monday... errand-running, house-cleaning, lawn-mowing, dog-yawning BUSY! I love hanging out at home!
Loving the pretty weather! Going to take a walk to the library in a bit. :)
Thinking about the job search! Just signed up for my ESL test, finishing applications, updating my resume and portfolio, whew! Thank goodness I have this week to get it all done.
Wanting to try as many crescent-roll recipes as I can after spending too much time on Pinterest!

Needing to get off this computer and go outside!
Watching (hey, I had to make up my own for the end... and I wanted to share the neat things I've seen lately)
What a talented performer! Thank goodness others saw the artist in Clash and the love in Elmo.
Geeking out with Neil deGrasse Tyson
A cool documentary about origami.
What a nice start to Spring Break! :)